Residential Zoning Systems
Imagine if every time you turned on a light switch, every electrical device in your home came on or if every time you went to wash your hands every faucet, shower, tub and toilet opened up. That would be crazy! So why is it that when you need heating in one room the entire house heats up? Now you can zone your heating and cooling so that you don’t have to heat or cool your entire home when you don’t need to.
Our home zoning system is specially designed to allow your entire family to be comfortable, regardless of where they are in your home. Now you can divide your home’s ductwork into specific zones that can be controlled independently, whether heating or cooling. Imagine the bedrooms on one zone, the family room on another, and the kitchen on a third. Even better yet, you can finally control that hard to heat and cool addition for which you paid a fortune.
If your car cooled as badly as your upstairs you’d sell it in a heartbeat.
(So why put up with it at home?)
Think about it. Why have a large home if you’re only comfortable in part of it? Even though your home is your castle… it doesn’t mean it has to be drafty—or heat and cool like one! If you’re like most people, you tend to spend the majority of your time in the areas of your home where you are more comfortable. Wouldn’t you get more pleasure, fulfillment and enjoyment out of your home if you could totally control your level of comfort in every part of it? Of course you would!
First off, let me explain to you why most homes (and possibly even yours) ended up with comfort problems. Then I’ll tell you how you can correct them forever.
Understanding the problem.
The reason that homeowners have to “put up” with poor temperature control in places like upstairs bedrooms, additions, and basements, is because we assume that we can’t expect anything better. Well, I want to tell you, it isn’t supposed to be that way. If you are uncomfortable in certain areas of your home, the people to blame are the builder who built the house, and the heating contractor who designed the system. These are the guys who decided for you, that your comfort was not important enough to spend the extra money needed to guarantee it in your home. You see, when a home is built, the dynamics of home construction are totally stacked against the future owner’s comfort.
Here’s why.
You have to realize that when a builder builds a home, he typically knows the price it will sell for when it’s done. Therefore, anywhere he can cut costs or corners is pure profit for him. Most builders know that when you move into a home, you’re more concerned about the trim and colors of a room, than whether you will be comfortable enough to spend any time there to enjoy them. So, when it comes to cutting corners, putting in a heating & cooling system with consideration for the homeowner’s future comfort is the first thing to go. Had the builder invested just a little bit more during construction, you wouldn’t have any hot or cold areas in your home. You would be able to control the temperature in every area of your home through a process that has been around for years called forced air zoning.
What a zoning system does for you.
Forced air zoning is a system that uses multiple thermostats, and automatic dampers in your home’s ductwork, to intelligently control the air flow to every register in the house. Like a traffic cop, it directs the heated or cooled air only to the areas that require it. Since one thermostat is not “smart” enough to adequately sense your comfort needs everywhere throughout your house, a zoning system puts a thermostat in all the different areas of your home to guide the air exactly where it needs to be, and stop it from going where it is no longer needed.
A zoned system is far superior to having one (or even two) furnaces and air conditioners. It is not only more energy efficient, it also gives you the ability to have as many controlled areas as your home requires to guarantee absolute comfort. Wouldn’t it be wonderful on a hot muggy night to just set a thermostat in your bedroom to 73 degrees and get a sound sleep—instead of moving to the downstairs couch to cool off!
Unfortunately, until now, to install this type of system in an existing home was quite expensive. It required extensive renovating of the existing ductwork, and a lot of extra labor to do it after the home was built. What might have cost a few thousand dollars to do at the time of construction, became three times more expensive to do after the fact! Because of the ductwork changes needed, the cost and mess involved in installing this type of system in an existing home, tended to make the job too costly. But that was before we discovered what an Arzel Zoning System can do.
The “evolution” & “revolution” of residential zone control!
As a heating and cooling contractor I have used residential dampering systems before in attempts to solve our customers comfort needs. However, I knew there had to be a better way to do it. You see, since all the zone systems I had encountered had been designed mainly to be used for new construction, they were a “royal pain” when you had to use them on existing homes. As I mentioned above, you had to rip out nearly all the duct work and start over in order to separate the registers going to the different areas of the home. Talk about a mess!
Then, a few years ago, when one of my best customers found themselves stuck with a home where I know the builder must have saved a ton of money when it came to deciding on their heating system. They absolutely hated the comfort level of their house. Their upstairs was 10 degrees warmer than the main floor in the summer, and during the winter they had to pack a blanket ” if they wanted to spend any time in their family room or lower level! Even if they had had the ambition to let me rip out their ductwork and start over to install forced air zoning, the layout of their home gave me no room for the extra ducts it would require. There I was, stuck with no good answers for them. I had to do something.
My answer came when I discovered the “Arzel” zoning system. It was the perfect solution. What makes the system different, is that it could be installed in almost anyone’s existing ductwork, with no mess, in about 1 to 2 days, and at a fraction of the cost that I had to charge before when trying to use the other systems! It was, and still is, a completely revolutionary product compared to what the rest of the market offered. As an added bonus, its unique design made it more dependable and maintenance free than any other system I had previously used.
Since then, I have installed the Arzel system for many of my customers as well. I’ve been absolutely astounded by the difference it made for my family. Every area of my home, from the basement to my bedrooms, is exactly the temperature I want it to be! It is the only automatic dampering system that is specially designed for existing homes. Every one of my Arzel customers are absolutely “tickled pink” at how well it works. In fact, it has been one of the fastest growing segments of my business! Don’t you think that it’s time that you considered something like this for your home and family?
Let us show you what we can do for you without any obligation.
Janet Falcon
Ours is a very large, two year old, 3 story home with a walkout basement and we had a major heating and cooling problem. The upstairs was unbearably hot in the summer and the lower level was freezing. The builder we used and even the equipment installer didn’t know how to remedy the situation. We investigated every possibility, but didn’t want to do anything to the house that would ruin its appearance. We learned about the Arzel zoning system through an advertisement and called to learn more. The company was great to work with. After they examined the situation, they assured us that the problem could be solved. Within a day, they had installed a complete 4-zone system and our new home has never been more comfortable. My husband says it’s the best thing we’ve ever done to this home, he just wishes it could have been part of the original mortgage. We’re very thrilled with the system and are extremely glad that there was something out there that could solve our problem.
Dave Warpell
Our home is one and a half stories with a finished walkout basement. We have very high cathedral ceilings in the living room and until recently, we had very uneven heating and cooling throughout the house. We had a few rooms that wouldn’t cool in the summer and wouldn’t get warm in the winter. Plus, our infant’s room and kitchen both face the south and were very hot. Our son still naps during the day and there was just no way to keep his room cool. So, we had to do something. We had all kinds of suggestions from tearing out the ductwork to replacing the entire heating and cooling system with one that was oversized. We were so frustrated we even tried installing a new system, but it still didn’t do the job. I had heard about zone control for some time and finally called to learn about the Arzel system. Our Arzel zoning system was installed in one day and we noticed a big difference right away. We’ve already noticed, that our heating bill is reduced about 10%. With my two small children, I had to keep the whole house warmer. Now, I can turn down everything except for the three bedrooms. It definitely works… my wife is very happy with it.